Wednesday, November 30, 2011

December 5- 7, The Weekly Digest

Theme of the Week- The Gingerbread Man

Letter of the Week- Gg

Shape of the Week- Triangle

Bible Story- Shepherds in the Fields

Bible Verse- Glory to God in the Highest, and on earth peace to men on whom His favor rest. Luke 2:14

Art you will see- More ornaments for the classroom tree. 

***Monday- Snack with Santa (during our snack time)***
***Tuesday- Children's Theater, we will leave the center at 10:15am***

Reminder- The Christmas Program will be December 13, 7:00pm in the sanctuary. 

The Happy Birthday Jesus party will be December 20, 11:00am. Please make sure to have your cash money for the party at school on December 19.

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

November 28-30, The Weekly Digest

Theme of the Week- Christmas is Almost Here

Letter of the Week- Cc

Shape of the Week- Rectangle

Bible Story- The Angel's News

Bible Verse- Do not be afraid Mary, you have found favor with God. Luke 1:30

Art- Begin to make ornaments to decorate the class Christmas Tree

Spanish- El Cuerpo- The Body

Reminder- Tuesday, December 6, we have a field trip to Children's Theater. Make sure to pay your $6.00 if you signed up. 

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

November 14-16, The Weekly Digest

Theme of the Week- Pilgrims and Indians

Letter of the Week- Ii

Shape of the week- Square

Bible Story- Israelites

Bible Verse- Love your Father and your Mother. Exodus 20:12

Spanish- El Cuerpo- Body

Reminder- Our Thanksgiving Feast will be Tuesday, November 22 at 11:00am. Please bring the item you signed up to bring.  School will be closed Wednesday, November 23. 

November 21 and 22, The Weekly Digest

Theme of the Week- I am Thankful

Review all letters, colors and shapes this week.

Make a Classroom Book ( I am Thankful For.....)

Art you will see- Leaf Rubbings, Pilgrim and Indian Hats

***Tuesday- Thanksgiving Feast at 11:00am***

***Wednesday- School Closed for Thanksgiving ***

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Muffins with Mom

Don't forget Muffins with Mom Wednesday morning. This event will be held in the banquet room, and will end at 8:00am. See you there!!!

Friday, November 4, 2011

Thanksgiving Project

Don't forget about the Thanksgiving Project due on Monday.

We will spend some time talking about the first Thanksgiving, Pilgrims, Indians, and the first harvest this season. We will make a giant HORN of PLENTY for our classroom bulletin board. Each child will be assigned a fruit or vegetable to make at home. This is a great project for the entire family. Be as creative as you can..use anything from Styrofoam to Fruit Loops. IF you are planning a very 3D fruit of veggie, please attach something for me to hang it on our bulletin board. Please bring your project back to school on Monday, November 7th

Wednesday, November 2, 2011


Monsters are a super fun week!!! I know and your children know that monsters are NOT real, but this is a fun way to teach the letter M. 

This is a great activity for teaching measurement and once to one correspondents. First, we painted monsters. I really love see each child interpretation of a monster. 
 Then we used the Unifix Cubes to see how tall our monsters were. 
Last, but not least, we wrote the height in (Unifix Cubes) on our paper. 

Another great counting activity. First I traced each child's foot, with their shoe on. Then, each child was given the option for the number of eye that they wanted the monster to have. We counted the eyes and your child wrote the number in the blank. We are really working hard on writing independently!! 

Today, we made Shape Monsters. I love the way these little guys turned out!!! Since we are learning our shapes, this was a perfect way to create shape in a whole new way! 

November 7-9, The Weekly Digest

Theme of the Week- Team Spirit

Letter of the Week- Tt

Shape of the week- Oval

Bible Story- One and Only Son

Bible Verse- God loved and us and sent His son. 1 John 4:10

Art you should see- Painted footballs, mascot hand prints, water color football players

Spanish- Buenas Noches, Good Night

Reminder- Muffins with Mom on Tuesday morning before school.